A common question with pro-metabolic eating is, “can my kids eat this way?” The answer is absolutely. Remember that eating pro-metabolic is not a diet. It simply means to eat foods that nourish you on a cellular level.

Actually, most children are inclined to prefer the pro-metabolic food anyways. I think all three of my kids lived off fruit at some point in their life. There was so much pressure to make sure they ate vegetables that sometimes I felt like I was failing. All because they liked fruit? Looking back that doesn’t seem right. Of course we want our children to eat balanced meals, focusing on adequate protein, carbohydrates and fat. It is important to remember that a child’s (or an adults) taste buds will change based on what they eat regularly. So while a child may start life off favoring the pro-metabolic foods, they often end up on the junk food train because that is what is provided most of the time.

Or they ended up being diagnosed as lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant and instead of addressing the underlying gut and liver health that would make the child intolerant to these foods, we start down the processed food path because it’s convenient. These foods will undoubtably contain high levels of PUFAs and other anti-metabolic ingredients and the cycle will continue.

I have been there with my own children. We all want what is best but unfortunately it becomes a situation of the cure being worse than disease. Looking back, I can say that one of the best things you can do for your child is nourish them with a pro-metabolic lifestyle.



  • 1 cup of water, divided

  • 1/2 cup cane sugar

  • 1/2 cup maple syrup

  • 3 TBS gelatin (grass fed)

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 2 tsp cinnamon


  • Prepare an 8x8 dish by lining with parchment paper. Have a small scraper/spatula ready.

  • In your kitchen-aid bowl or the bowl you will use to beat your marshmallows, add 1/2 cup cool water. Sprinkle gelatin over the water in a thin, even layer. Pro tip: tilt the bowl side-to-side to expose more water to sprinkle the gelatin on. Set aside to “bloom”.

  • While the gelatin blooms, mix the remaining 1/2 cup water, sugar, and maple syrup in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a slow simmer while stirring occasionally and allow to simmer for a minute or two. Turn off heat.

  • With the beater attachment (or using a handheld beater) begin to slowly mix gelatin mixture. It won’t all incorporate, that is okay, you are just breaking it up.

  • Slowly add in the hot mixture. Add in cinnamon and vanilla. Increase speed to high and beat until the mixture gets light and turns into a fluffy consistency. This can take 5-8 minutes. Watch carefully. It should still drip off the beaters in a slow stream. If you over mix you will get clumps, it is better to stop sooner than later.

  • When ready, you will pour the mixture into the parchment lined dish, in a slow back and forth motion. Use the spatula to get the rest out of the bowl. The longer you take to pour and if you try smooth it out it will clump up. Still perfectly edible, just not as pretty.

  • Place in the refrigerator to set. Should take around 2 hours. Remove from dish, cut into pieces. Will keep in the fridge covered for about 7-10 days…if they last that long.

Great on coffee or homemade hot chocolate!


